
5 Ways to Attract Millennials to Your Fleet



Millennials account for more than one-third of the US employee population and more enter the workforce every day, making this generation the biggest opportunity for growth in fleets.

Despite their strength in numbers, millennials are dogged by stereotypes—they are entitled, want a trophy for showing up, and spend too much time on Snapchat. This is a bad rap that’s not necessarily true. A recent study by Inavero and Upwork found four major ways millennials are driving fundamental change, including an emphasis on self-development and future-proofing strategies.


A successful driver recruitment strategy attracts a new pool of dynamic employees who are wholeheartedly engaged in the company. Here are five ideas on how to recruit millennial drivers:

1. Spend time preparing

An overlooked part of the driver recruitment process is making sure fleets present themselves in an attractive way. The company website should be polished and professional, using friendly language that explains the company’s purpose and positive impact on the industry. Invest in building social channels to showcase what day-to-day operations look like and how employees are engaged in the business and culture.

Millennials do their research and want more than “just a job.” They want to find fulfillment in their work. Attract them by marketing your company well.

2. Go social

Simply posting a driver job on Indeed or Monster isn’t going to cut it. Millennials do in-depth research when job hunting and are looking on employment review websites, social media channels, news sites, and more. In fact according to a LinkedIn report, 62% of millennials visit company social media sites to get job information.

To recruit this generation, reach them in the online spaces where they already spend their time. For example, promote open positions via Facebook and LinkedIn ads. Ask employees to share job listings on their own social channels and post jobs in relevant social groups. Use job- and industry-related hashtags on Twitter.

Adding social to driver recruitment strategies can pay off. A recent LinkedIn and Altimeter Group report found that companies with a social media presence are 58% more likely to attract top talent and employees are 20% more likely to stay.

3. Offer perks

Millennials aren’t motivated by salary alone—they’re looking for companies that offer flexibility, freedom, and fulfillment. To attract this generation, offer perks that stand out from the competition. This can include flexible hours, generous vacation time, opportunities for outside education such as classes or conferences, and team bonding activities like volunteer days and holiday parties.

Millennials value a work-life balance. A recent FlexJobs survey found that 83% of millennials ranked work-life balance as the most important factor when evaluating a job. Fleets that highlight these perks as part of driver recruitment can increase their odds of attracting and retaining all generations of employees.

4. Use video

Companies with onboarding and training processes that involve a lot of paperwork and static learning could use an update. Millennials learn best with multimedia formats in interactive environments, and they expect companies to invest tools and resources that help employees do their jobs.

The best way to modernize onboarding and training—including coaching—is to use video. Employees can clearly see what’s expected of reliable drivers, through both hypothetical reenactments and actual “in the field” footage. A video-based training or video coaching program also makes it possible to offer remote sessions versus hosting everything on-site within company walls.

5. Create career paths

Some ambitious millennials want to shoot straight to the top of the ladder. Creating clear career paths helps to temper that ambition with reality, as well as formalize the skills and experience needed to advance in the company. This also shows from the get-go that a fleet offers career growth opportunities if a driver wants to move up or into a management role, for example. 

When forming a driver recruitment strategy for new generations of employees, keep their perspectives in mind. Millennials often want challenges, a sense of purpose, and greater work-life balance, which is increasingly what other generations are asking for, too.


The content in this article was adapted from Lytx’s “How to Attract Millennials – Driver Recruitment Guide.” Lytx is a leading provider of video telematics, analytics, safety, and productivity solutions for commercial and public sector fleets. Find out more, visit


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