Stellar Industries, a 100% employee-owned and -operated manufacturer of high-quality mechanic trucks, cranes, tire service trucks, hooklifts, trailers, and service truck and van accessories, announces the launch of its Engineering Experience Program (EEP). Designed to offer college students an incredible opportunity to gain practical, hands-on experience in various facets of engineering, this 12-week summer internship program is set to elevate aspiring engineers to new heights. Stellar’s EEP is a meticulously crafted opportunity for budding engineers. Participants will be engaged in diverse activities such as computer-aided design (CAD) modeling, CAD drawings, electrical diagrams, technical communication, additive manufacturing, and the chance to witness a thriving original equipment manufacturer (OEM) company in action. With specialized tracks catered to specific interests and career aspirations, students will gain exposure to different teams and stakeholders throughout the organization. Find out more, visit
Stellar Invites College Students to Apply for Exclusive Engineering Experience Program